Tuesday, April 12, 2011

One of Those Days...

So, this post is a little late, but oh well... at least I am at the computer blogging.

On Friday morning, we woke up to this...

I know that it's not too much snow, but the fact that it is April, and supposed to be Spring, the snow really shot me down.  My motivation went from there to zero, all with the opening of our blinds.  So Friday, we had a lazy day, my sweet Marcus and I. It was pretty fantastic.

Watching "Marcus-Movies" like Tangled (for the eight billionth time since it came out last week), Princess and the Frog, and How to Train your Dragon.  We ate Malt-O-Meal (yum) for breakfast, and had Macaroni and Cheese and apples (Separately...not mixed together! Well, for me at least, I can't promise the same for Mr. Marcus.) for lunch... Not much else sounds good when you are depressed with the cold weather!


(Anyone else find that bowl of yellow death in one of our pretty bowls with Julia Child's signature phrase a little disturbing?  I bet Julia Child would be appalled with a bowl of orange cheese and noodles...oh well, it made me giggle in my head for a good 15 minutes.)

Then we turned on the movie Hellboy and snuggled up on the couch with a cup of hot chamomile tea (with honey, of course!) and Marcus did something he doesn't do most afternoons anymore....

He slept.

It was quite a joyous day.  Thanks snow...

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