Thursday, February 17, 2011

Family, The Beach, Disneyland and Elder Cody Jenson

A recap of the Jenson's Jaunts recently....

Well... We got to spend time on the coast of lovely Orange County with Cooper's family this past week.  It has been so much fun.  


We went Paddle Boarding. (Well...Gpa M, Auntie M and Gma S went paddle boarding... Coop TRIED paddle boarding, and I supervised all beach activity!)

Paddle Boards All Lined Up Waiting to Go...

Auntie M and Gpa M Going Into the Water...Auntie M is a Natural!  She Got Right Up the First Time Trying...

 Marcus Enjoying the Sand

 We Played at the Beach.  It was so sunny and Warm!

Building Sand Castles and Getting Some Sun.

We enjoyed Disneyland! (Twice!)

Marcus Showing Off his New Annual Pass to Disneyland!  
He was so excited.

Sporting his New Hat

 Buzz Lightyear...TO THE RESCUE!

 Fun With Daddy!

 Every Trip to Disney We get Marcus a New Set of Ears... 
So Far, He has Four... and These Are What He Picked Out This Time!

 The Castle Was Lit in Pink for Valentine's Day!

 It was not a trip with all fun and games though!  The REAL reason why we went to California is because Cooper's little brother Uncle CJ is serving an LDS mission in Mexico City for the next two years!

Marc and Stori got a Bit Life-Size Cutout of Uncle CJ!  
It was so Funny to Come into a House you Know is Empty 
and Be Greeted By Cardboard Uncle CJ!

We Went to the Temple...

Me and Cooper Posing With Cardboard Uncle CJ Before we Left for the Temple.

The Newport Beach Temple is Sooooo Pretty.

We Listened to Uncle CJ Give an Amazing Talk on Sunday...  And it really made you think.  It was all about being thankful.  It started out asking the listeners if they Thanked Heavenly Father today for even the little things.  

"Wow.  Thank you for my toothbrush....Or when you put your pants on this morning, Thanks for this Belt!"  

I LOVED listening to Uncle CJ talk.  He is so eloquent, and for being 19...he is one smart guy.  I love being able to call him my little brother!

After Church Sunday...Family Picture time!
(From Right, Melanie, Marcus, Grandma Nancy, Grandpa Bill, 
Gpa M, Cooper, Uncle {Elder!} CJ, Auntie M and Gma S)

Our time in the California sun was over... Back to reality.  We, Cooper, Marcus and I packed up the car on Tuesday morning and drove home.  To the pretty chilly 801...

But it wasn't over yet!  When you are called to be a Missionary, you are first sent to the Missionary Training Center.  Cody is going to Mexico City, and there he will be speaking Spanish... Well, Uncle CJ doesn't know Spanish!  He is going to spend the next nine weeks at the MTC learning how to be a good missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and learning how to speak Spanish.  There is a tradition here in Utah that before dropping off your missionary at the MTC, you go and eat way too much at The Brick Oven, and then you say your goodbyes for the next two years.  Gpa M and Gma S flew with Uncle {Elder!} CJ Wednesday morning and we all ate there and had one last family hooplah to celebrate  Uncle {Elder!} CJ's mission.

Marcus,  Uncle {Elder!} CJ  and Cooper 
(those are the greatest glasses ever, right!?)

Me and Elder Jenson

Elder Jenson and Auntie M

Uncle {Elder!} CJ's good friend Ian from California came and surprised us there.  
Ian is leaving on his Mission later this year.

Then we dropped him off at the MTC...

Look at this handsome guy.

Bye bye  Uncle {Elder!} CJ !  

Rockin' two years in Mexico City for the Lord!  We love you.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, he looks so different with his hair cut...I can actually see his face, and he IS handsome! :)
    Your D.L. trip looks like it was so fun! Love all the pics, and it was a great update!


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